
Omgea Replica Watches is most of us wear

Omgea Replica Watches Like any other countries these two countries are also follow the rituals of wedding ceremony. As a part of these, exchanging of wedding ring is given importance and therefore it was obeyed with extreme regularity. The ritual of exchanging of wedding ring goes backs to the ancient time. In different countries and in different cultures this ritual is followed directly and somewhere it is followed indirectly. But according to the archeological study this customary ritual was first recorded in Egypt. Then this exchanging was viewed as an earthly commitment of never ending love and respect for the would be husband and wife. This picture was not always the same for everyone as in other countries this same ritual has a legal bearing with it. In Roman culture this exchange of ring was considered as legal commitment. The custom was like this as a girl accepts this from a man and it becomes his legal right to marry her in the future.Omgea Replica Watches The girl is then unable to remove herself after accepting the ring.From this tradition we come to know that she becomes bound to marry the particular person whom she has exchange her ring. Keeping this fact in mind the Romans at first made their rings with iron but gradually concerning the beauty and durability they started to make their wedding ring with gold and silver with precious stone embellishments. In this connection we may clear a quarry of our mind and that is most of us wear our wedding band on the third finger of our left hand but why? In these two countries Egypt and Rome it was believed that a vein ran from this finger directly to the heart so it automatically links to our love. Wearing wedding ring in this finger will bear extreme happiness and rain love in the couples married life. It was the belief of that era. But this practice, in medieval times, continued for a different reason. During a religious wedding ceremony the groom would place the ring on the bride left thumb, index and middle finger in turn and saying ;in the name of the father, son and Holy Ghost Omgea Replica Watches.